
At a baptism (or 'christening'), we mark and celebrate new life, either in a baby whose life is just beginning, or in a child or adult who wants to mark a new life with Christ. It's the start of an amazing journey of faith.

Enquiries about baptisms should be directed to our minister, Revd Stephen Tudway, using the contact details below. Stephen or Ruth will visit you to discuss the service, its content and meaning, and to answer any questions you may have.

We generally conduct baptisms in the ordinary Sunday communion service, using a shortened form of the Holy Communion liturgy. Since baptism is the beginning of a life within the church, it is important that it is begun with the church family to support you. We try to take seriously the presumption laid down in Canon Law: "B21. It is desirable that every minister having a cure of souls shall normally administer the sacrament of Holy Baptism on Sundays at public worship when the most number of people come together, that the congregation there present may witness the receiving of them that be newly baptized into Christ's Church, and be put in remembrance of their own profession made to God in their baptism." We have only a small number of ministers to cover services at all our churches and seldom have capacity to offer baptism otherwise than in regular Sunday services.

The Church of England's Life Events web pages are full of information on baptism, which you may find useful.

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