Funeral of David Jones MBE, Friday 21st March 2025

The recording of David's funeral is available on our YouTube channel:

If navigating to the channel without using this link, you will need to choose the "live" tab.

Electoral roll renewal 2025

All parishes are required to discard their existing electoral roll every six years and start a new one from scratch. If you are on the existing roll of a parish, the electoral roll officer may be in touch to invite you to renew. You can download a copy of the paper form from here. You can also quickly and simply submit your application electronically via the Benefice website and we will ensure that the correct electoral roll officer receives your application. 


The North Westmorland Benefice is a group of Church of England parishes, meeting regularly in eleven church buildings and two further closed churches now in the care of the Churches Conservation Trust.

The Benefice includes the parishes of Askham and Lowther; Bampton with Mardale; Bolton; Clifton and Brougham; Crosby Ravensworth; Great Strickland; Morland (which includes Cliburn and Thrimby); and Shap with Swindale.

Our highest priority is to grow younger: not to abandon our traditional congregations, but to be a community for every age, background and spiritual preference. We would love you to join us on our journey together.


Lent is a journey, not through abstinence, nor through taking up some new. It is a journey through ourselves as individuals and as a church. Along the way we will find much to celebrate, and some things to set aside.

Our parishes aspire to be the church in every place, offering regular worship and other activities for the benefit of the communities in which they work.

Each Sunday, we offer a variety of different services, led by different ministers and lay teams, to suit a variety of spiritual needs and preferences.

Upcoming services

Use the links below to find out what we are doing this Sunday.

Sunday services   Pew sheet and readings    Prayer pointers  

The rota of services for the current month can be found by clicking below.

This month's rota of services   Next month

Our programme for Lent, Holy Week and Easter can be download by click on the button below.

Lent, Holy Week & Easter 2025

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