Prayer pointers was last updated on Saturday 15th February.
Please pass on prayer requests to Stephen, via email. Please do not request prayers for the health or wellbeing of named individuals in this public forum.
Church buildings
Please pray for Bolton's List B application to renew and upgrade their sound system, and for Morland's complex Faculty works to upgrade the kitchenette.
Please pray for all those who are currently working hard to prepare similar applications for improvement to our buildings, or carrying out authorised works.
Pastoral work
Pray for Sue as she develops further our Good Neighbours initiative, and give thanks for the generous funding that has been awarded by the Westmorland & Furness council Place Action Group for Eden & Lyvennet.
Please pray for our schools, and give thanks for the wonderful welcome they extend to us and their readiness to visit us in church.
Pray for our Jesus and Me ("JAM") sessions with Bolton school and nursery, Crosby Ravensworth school and Morland school. Give thanks for the generosity of our schools who engage with us on Facebook.
Please remember in your prayers Bolton school's search for a new headteacher, to carry on the good work which Mrs Elstone has done. Pray for Mrs Elstone that her retirement from teaching may be fulfilling.
Growing Younger Ministry
Please continue to pray for our youth groups in Shap on Mondays, Morland on Tuesdays and Maulds Meaburn/Crosby Ravensworth on Wednesdays. Pray especially for Ruth and our volunteers.
Please pray for the new youth group starting on March 6th in Bolton, and for Ruth, Rowan and John. Give thanks for the funding from Westmorland & Furness 0-19 budget, which enabled us to restore a room in the Memorial Hall.
Please pray for the Youth Weekend Away in Knock, March 14th to 16th; for the large group of volunteers required for this exercise; for the young people and adults of Furness Deanery who will be joining us; and for Ruth as she undertakes the enormous task of planning and delivering this residential.
Give thanks for the generosity of Village Hall committees in Morland, Maulds Meaburn and Bolton who support our work with young people. Give thanks for Shap School, who partner so closely with us in our work in Shap, and for Katie Chappell and all the staff at the school who help us.
Pray for Ruth and the huge number of hours she puts in for our benefice, including areas of church life that go beyond her Growing Younger remit.
Wedding ministry
Pray for all who are involved in our very substantial wedding ministry and for all the 30-odd couples coming to us for a wedding or a blessing in 2025.
About prayer pointers ThePrayer pointers page was a suggestion made at one of our Saturday morning training sessions on 15th February 2025. Talking about leading interecessions, we identified the importance of praying, as a benefice, for all the different needs and activities of our communities, churches, PCCs and congregations. In order to do this effectively, we need to know what each other are doing.